Port St. Lucie, Staurt & Fort Pierce Personal Injury Video FAQs
- What if more than one driver was at fault for my Florida car accident?
- A year ago I was hurt in an accident, but I now need surgery and the insurance company has closed their file. Can I sue?
- After talking to the other party’s insurance company about a car accident, I want an attorney. Is that a problem?
- Are there alternatives to going to court in a Florida auto accident case?
- Can a person be guilty of drunk driving in Florida if they only had one drink?
- Can a spouse in a Florida car accident recover damages for injuries caused by the other spouse?
- Can I appeal being found guilty of violating probation in Florida?
- Can I be found to have been partially at fault for my injuries caused by a Florida car accident?
- Can I be treated by my own doctor if I was hurt in a car accident?
- Can I choose my own repair shop following a Florida car accident?
- Can I control whether my car is repaired or replaced following a Florida car accident?
- Can I go back to my maiden name after my divorce in Florida?
- Can I move if I am on probation in Florida?
- Can I oppose a divorce in Florida?
- Can I sue the driver of a car I was in who caused an accident where I was injured if I was not wearing a seatbelt?
- Can I sue the driver of the car I was riding in if I was injured in a Florida car accident?
- Can I sue the police for false arrest in Florida?
- Can my spouse tell me that I cannot see my kids?
- Can probation be revoked in Florida?
- Can the police break down my door to enter my home in Florida?
- Can the police come and get me in my house in Florida?
- Can the police conduct a search without a warrant in Florida?
- Can the police just stop me on the street and search me for no reason in Florida?
- Do I have to complete the entire probation time?
- Do I have to give a recorded statement to the insurance company in a Florida auto accident case?
- Do I have to give consent to a law enforcement officer to search my car in Florida?
- Do I have to go to court if I want to recover monetary damages in my Florida auto accident case?
- Do I have to pay alimony in a divorce in Florida?
- Do I need an attorney for my Florida auto accident case if the insurance company seems to be cooperating?
- Do I need an attorney for my Florida auto accident case?
- Do I need to call the police if I have a car accident in Florida?
- Do I need to contact my insurance company about my Florida car accident?
- Do the police need a warrant to arrest me in Florida?
- How am I supposed to get back and forth while my car is in the shop after a Florida car accident?
- How are car accidents handled when negligence or carelessness is involved?
- How can I find out if there is a warrant for my arrest?
- How complicated are Florida auto accident cases?
- How do attorney’s charge for Florida auto accident cases?
- How do I get out of jail after an arrest in Florida?
- How does the insurance claim process work if I am injured?
- How is divorce initiated in Florida?
- How is fault determined in a Florida auto accident case?
- How is negligence determined in an auto accident case?
- How long does it take for a divorce to be final in Florida?
- How long does it take to settle a Florida auto accident case?
- How much is my Florida auto accident case worth?
- How quickly must I file a lawsuit if a minor was also injured in the car accident?
- How quickly should I contact an attorney in a Florida auto accident case?
- I was a passenger in a boating accident and was injured. Who is responsible for these injuries?
- I was driving a company car when I was injured in an accident. Explain my claim?
- I was given a ticket and released with a date to appear in court. What do I do?
- I was in a car accident. Who is going to pay for my property damage and medical bills?
- If I am involved in Florida car accident do I have to tell my insurance company about it right away?
- If I am unhappy with my present car accident lawyer, can I switch attorneys? How much will it cost to change attorneys?
- If I go to court in Florida for my car accident claim and lose, do I have to pay the other party’s costs?
- If I miss work as a result of a Florida car accident, can my lost wages be recovered?
- If I was hit by a commercial vehicle in a Florida car accident, is the employer of the other driver also responsible?
- In my Florida divorce case, can I and should I keep the house?
- In my Florida divorce case, how do I reply to the petition?
- In my Florida divorce case, will I have to pay for my spouses attorney?
- Is my Florida auto accident case confidential?
- Is there a right to a jury trial in divorce in Florida?
- My boat was hit by another boat and sustained damage. Will the other boater’s insurance cover these damages?
- My car was hit by a careless driver who changed lanes without looking. How do I recover for my child’s injuries in Florida?
- My girlfriend and I got in a fight and I hit her. We made up and are back together. Can she just drop the charges?
- My spouse just asked for a divorce. What do I do first in Florida?
- Should I agree to a plea bargain?
- Should I go to the doctor after my Florida car accident?
- Should I release my medical records to another driver’s insurance adjuster?
- Should I try to settle with the other drivers insurance company following a Florida car accident?
- The auto insurance company’s attorney says my injury was pre-existing. How do I prove it was not?
- The police did not read me my rights. Does that mean that the arrest is invalid and the charges will be dismissed?
- The police want me to give them permission to search my house, car, computer, camera, etc. Should I give it to them?
- The police want me to talk about a crime they think I committed. Should I comply?
- The police want to get my side of the story. Should I give a statement?
- This is the first time I am in trouble in Florida. Will the prosecutor treat this charge like it is my first offense?
- What are grounds for divorce in Florida?
- What are my legal rights following my Florida car accident?
- What are my rights if I am accused of a crime in Florida?
- What are subrogation rights?
- What are the limits on the ability to collect under an uninsured/underinsured motorist provision in
- What are the typical steps in a criminal proceeding in Florida?
- What can I expect the police officer to do at the scene of my Florida car accident?
- What constitutes pain and suffering in a Florida auto accident case?
- What do I need to do if I witness a car accident?
- What documents or evidence should I bring with me the first time I meet my attorney following my Florida car accident?
- What does beyond a reasonable doubt mean?
- What evidence of injury is necessary to recover damages in a Florida auto accident case?
- What happens if I am arrested for drinking and driving in Florida?
- What happens if I am injured in Florida by an at fault driver who doesn’t have auto insurance?
- What happens if I am pulled over for drunk driving in Florida?
- What happens if the other driver in my Florida car accident doesn’t have insurance?
- What happens if we reconcile and want to cancel the divorce?
- What if I am involved in a car accident with an uninsured driver?
- What if I believe I was the victim of a hit and run in Florida?
- What if I cannot afford to pay my medical bills following my Florida car accident?
- What do I do if I cannot afford to make the bail set in my Florida criminal law case?
- What if I need child support while the divorce is still in process in Florida?
- What if my car already had some damage before my Florida car accident?
- What if my spouse cannot be found or evades service of the divorce papers?
- What if the cause of my Florida car accident is not clear?
- What if the driver who hit in Florida my was drinking?
- What information should I obtain after my Florida car accident?
- What is a permanent injury?
- What is collision coverage?
- What is liability insurance?
- What is negligence?
- What is the difference between a felony a misdemeanor and a violation in Florida?
- What is no fault insurance?
- What is the difference between detention and arrest in Florida?
- What is the difference between jail and prison in Florida?
- What is the difference between no fault and at fault?
- What is the first thing I should do after a Florida car accident?
- What is the likelihood that I will have to go to court for my Florida auto accident case?
- What is the purpose for obtaining uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist benefits?
- What is the purpose of obtaining uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage?
- What is the role of the prosecutor?
- What must I prove in order to win my Florida auto accident case?
- What rights do I have in Florida when a law enforcement officer asks me questions?
- What should I bring to the initial consultation with my attorney in a Florida auto accident case?
- What should I do if I am arrested in Florida?
- What should I do if I am worried about missing work after my Florida car accident?
- What should I do if I cannot afford an attorney for my Florida auto accident case?
- What should I do if the insurance company offers me a check right away?
- What should I not do after a Florida car accident?
- What types of compensation can be pursued after a Florida car accident?
- What types of punishments do I face if convicted of a crime in Florida?
- When do I have the right to an attorney in Florida?
- When do the police have to read me my rights in Florida?
- When should I settle with the insurance company in my Florida auto accident case?
- When will my Florida auto accident case be resolved?
- Where is my court located in my criminal case?
- Who is going to pay for my medical expenses following my Florida car accident?
- Who is responsible for my Florida car accident involving my car and a street pothole?
- Who is usually covered by Florida automobile liability insurance?
- Who pays for my injuries if I am injured in a Florida car accident?
- Who will pay for my rental car following my Florida car accident?
- Why did I have to post bond?
- Why do I have no bond in my case?
- Why should divorcing couples consider mediation in Florida?
- Will I get reimbursed for my co-payments and out of pocket expenses as a result of my Florida car ac
- Will I have to go to court at any time during my divorce in Florida?
- Will I have to pay towing and storage costs for my damaged car following my Florida car accident?
- Will it cost me any money to bring a Florida auto accident case?
- Will my auto insurance rates go up after my Florida car accident?
- Will my health insurance company get reimbursed from my car injury settlement?
- Will my soon to be ex-wife be entitled to any pension I earn after our Florida divorce?
- Will receiving a portion of my husbands pension affect child support payments in Florida?
- How long will it take to get money in my Florida auto accident case?
- Should I sign a waiver allowing the insurance company to gain access to my medical records following my Florida car accident?